

May 07, 2023

Tips to relieve mosquito bites this summer

Summer is everyone's favorite season, as its arrival means vacations, sun, beach, and sea for many of us. However, we are not the only beings excited about this idea; mosquitoes are also avid followers of this time of year when their population is thriving.

These almost always harmless but annoying insects favor this season's climate and environment. Summer is the hottest and most humid time of the year, which means it has the two ideal conditions for mosquito eggs to hatch.

Although their presence can be very bothersome from our perspective, especially when their buzzing interrupts our sleep in the middle of the night, let's remember that these tiny flying insects are vital for the earth's natural cycles. Besides being food for fish, birds, and other insects, they also serve as pollinators.

Considering the above, here are some recommendations to remember if you are a victim of a mosquito bite. And while, the discomfort only occurs in the affected area, taking the form of a reddish bump that causes itching and lasts a couple of days. Still, it is important to avoid scratching to prevent the bite from becoming infected.

There are currently many mosquito repellents available, most of them in the form of sprays that are gentle on our skin and environmentally friendly. However, if you prefer natural options, some home remedies will help keep those little enemies away from you.

There are over 3,500 mosquito species in the world, but only 200 feed on blood, and 4 of them pose a problem for humans as they transmit diseases like Zika, yellow fever, malaria, and dengue. It's important to follow proper medical advice when dealing with these illnesses.

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